The Naked Truth Program is a LIVE VIRTUAL Program that is the most personal, powerful, and practical work you will do, with a proven process for overcoming insecurity and fear and unlocking the courage that resides within you and to live a meaningful life you will experience accomplishments FAST. 6 weeks of Story-Telling videos, Action Assignments, Worksheets, & Audio Lessons. BONUS: A LIVE 6-WEEK ONLINE VIRTUAL COACHING PROGRAM sessions with Nancy Duarte Life Coach each week for the next six weeks. Story-telling videos narrated and created by Nancy Duarte Life Coach, action assignments, worksheets, & fun innovative hands-on lessons. Personal Bonus Workshop after the course is finished to “Create The Life You Want” a RoadMap for your new amazing life! You will work through the parts of yourself that may be difficult to accept, honor yourself, and move away from toxicity to heal. You'll have amazing discernment and clarity. You will have lifetime tools that will be with you for life. When you learn how to be bold, a new approach, how to make sense of your life and purpose, and how to live intentionally with meaning for the rest of your life.