Temperament Analysis Questionnaire

Take the questionnaire then book a 60 minute call analysis of your answers

    1. Introduction To Temperaments

    2. Temperament Questionnaire Instructions

    3. Temperament Analysis Questionnaire

    4. Book Your 60 Minute Temperament Analysis Call

  • $199.00

Meet Your Instructor

Nancy Duarte

Nancy Duarte Life Coach is a former Family Therapist for the past 23 years and is now a Life Coach. Abuse was her story, and she had to confront her abuser and find the courage to leave this madman. She has dedicated herself to empowering women of courage. She pulls no punches and holds nothing back and her aim is directed at her own formerly panicky self as she is allowing you to be the beneficiary of her former faintheartedness. She thoroughly spells out a plan for living a personally courageous life in her courses. Her intention is to teach you new truths that require you to admit that these old truths are indeed lies. She offers you brutal honesty and helps you live in a place where it will all be well. "The Road Less Traveled Digital Course", "Toxic Relationships" Digital Course and "7 Shocking Truths Every Parent Should Know About Divorce & Kid's Digital Course."

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